Nancy Carter
1818 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite B, Santa Monica, CA 90405
1818 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite B, Santa Monica, CA 90405
A native of Logan, West Virginia, Ms. Carter has over thirty years of professional experience in the entertainment industry. After attending Howard University in Washington, DC, Nancy began a career as a professional model and studied acting at the famed Negro Ensemble Company in New York while working as a tour guide for the United Nations.
Ms. Carter moved west in 1971, changed professions and founded one of the first talent agencies for African-Americans and persons of color in Hollywood. For ten years, Nancy owned and operated “Applause! The Audience Company” where she supplied audiences for hit TV shows.
Ms. Carter is most proud of her work in the field of mental health. When a family member was diagnosed with mental illness 30 years ago, she became an active advocate for people with brain disorders. She co-founded NULA (National Alliance on Mental Illness Urban Los Angeles chapter) along with writer, Bebe Moore Campbell, served for two years on the California State Board of NAMI and chaired its multi-cultural outreach committee. She also served as a member of the NAMI National Board. Ms. Carter is well-known nationally and in the Los Angeles mental health community where she served on several area committees for planning, crisis intervention and criminal justice.
Nancy has served on the board of directors of Mental Health America California and Step Up on Second.
Professional and Community Involvements
Speaking Engagements
Awards and Recognition